Many teachers have told us their school system's web filtering systems block access to any type of blog, including educational ones such as ours. While some teachers have been able to get their technology departments to make an exception for the THSP blog address, many others have run into a big roadblock and can only access the blog from home. We might have an alternative for those who can't reach the blog for whatever reason.
Feedburner, a subsidiary of Google, provides a service where they will take daily blog entries and emailed them out to people. You can sign up for the email updates at or using the form box on the THSP blog site. You will then receive an early morning email containing all of the blog entries for the past twenty-four hours. On the postive side, many of you who currently have trouble getting access to the blog will be able to read the postings. On the negative side, you will still be unable to comment or read comments on the postings, search through past postings or use the side column on the blog. Please be aware, some email systems might treat the Feedburner email as SPAM and block it as well.
Again, to subscribe to the FeedBurner emails go to Subscribe to Teaching High School Psychology by Email If you have figured out a different way to solve this problem of access, please leave your solution in the comment section.