Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI)

As our thoughts of preparing for the AP Psychology Exam turn to the end of the school year, many teachers start thinking about AP Summer Institutes (APSI). These week long adventures designed for both the beginning and seasoned AP teacher, provide valuable insights into the teaching of any AP Psychology course. I've heard many a teacher say the APSI is probably the one best thing that has helped their teaching of AP Psychology with the possible exception of being a reader.

AP Psychology Advanced Placement Summer Institutes (APSI)are offered at over 50 locations throughout the country, and designed for new, experienced or both new and experienced AP teachers. Most last four or five days and are run by endorsed consultants of the College Board.

To learn more about a specific institute, go to the Institutes and Workshop section of AP Central at The site includes a search engine where you can find a APSI in your part of the country. You can search by topic, date, and/or location.

1 comment:

  1. If you teach AP psych, you MUST go to one (or more) of these institutes. Check the links, find the most convenient institute for you, and take a print out immediately to your principal and talk her/him into it. The latest information about the test is shared and you'll get piles and piles of activities, ideas, free textbooks, etc. Your school gets a little bit of $ back from the college board for each student who takes the AP Psych test, so you can use that tidbit when you negotiate with the powers that be! Get thee to a summer institute!
