Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dove Beauty Campaign/Motivation Video

A few years ago, Dove Soap created a campaign for "real beauty" in an attempt to alter cultural attitudes toward what makes women attractive.  This campaign originally featured the video below to make viewers aware of how much change goes into a woman's appearance before and after she is photographed.  Whether it is lighting, makeup, or editing the photo, there is a clear and distinct difference between reality and the images that people see in the magazines.  Below is their effort.  Your students will be amazed if they are not already familiar with this video.

Here is a follow-up video showing Photoshop alterations to pictures:


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  3. Thanks for the post, and I am enjoying the site. I used this video in a different setting a while back. I find it interesting to compare the ad campaign for "Real Beauty" with ads for "Axe" which promote the "Axe Effect." Oddly enough, Axe and Dove share the same parent company. It can make for good discussion of motivations behind add campaigns. I wrote about it here:
