Tuesday, February 15, 2011

V.S. Rmachandran--His Books and a Couple Videos

A few years ago, I read V.S. Ramachandran's book on Phantom Limb Syndrome for a brain course I was taking.  I've also seen him as a narrator or expert on multiple series.  He offers a refreshing and understandable explanation of how the human brain works.

On 2/14/2011, NPR's Fresh Air did a review of his newest book called "The Tell-Tale Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human."  The review speaks well of Ramachandran's book and there is an excerpt in the article.  They also have a wonderful 18-minute story and conversation with the good doctor.  Below are links to purchase his books--they make for wonderful reading for both student and teacher alike.  I am also including a couple of his videos.

posted by Chuck Schallhorn 


  1. I LOVE Ramachandran's work. I think he is equal in knowledge, eloquence, and compassion to Oliver Sacks, and that's about the highest compliment possible, in my opinion. Amazing stuff.

  2. I've had students watch this TED video by Ramachandran too-- http://www.ted.com/talks/view/id/184 -- and most of them find it fascinating. The "buba/kiki" demo he does at the end of the video also works well in class (as long as they haven't watched the video).

    It fits in well with a lesson about synesthesia (I use information about the photic sneeze response with this) and Ear Worms (with a little nod to Oliver Sacks and Musicophilia).
