Thursday, December 29, 2011

The top psychology books of 2011

To begin, a few caveats. I'm a very bad reader. I read *about* a lot of books, and even read a few chapters here and there, but in terms of actually starting and finishing books, I'm not so good. So when I was thinking about a post on the best psychology books of 2011, I was delighted that the amazing had already gone to the trouble in a much better fashion than I would have. Actually, the site's list is of the best psychology and philosophy books of 2011, so here are the psychology-related books from the list:

There is also a psychology book in the Best Biographies and Memoirs of 2011 post, Moonwalking with Einsten: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything by Joshua Foer. Finally, listed in the Best Food Books of 2011 is Maira Kalman's excellent illustrated version of Michael Pollan's Food Rules, which includes this illustration:

Here are some other books from 2011 that should be in a top psychology books list, in no particular order:

Whew - that's quite a list. What books have YOU read? What are your thoughts? And which books did I omit that should be added? Please share in the comments section below.

--posted by Steve


  1. I have not read any of these! Instead I scoured google for depth psychology publications, such as by Hillman and Jung, to ground myself in foundational theories.

    It is great to see so much psych theory being translated to the general puclic, as well as students, as to how to apply it in day to day life.

    It's not called 'the study of the obvious' for nothing ~:-) And we can all benefit and create the change we want to see by becoming better observers, reflectors, critical thinkers and problem navigators.

  2. A year old - a good psych book called "Sleights of Mind". You might have heard of it already. The kids really love it. It talks about the neuroscience of magic, or what they call "neuromagic". It explains the 'why' of why magic tricks fool people using the latest neuroscience research. Also some interesting magic psychology on the website
