Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cool poster to share

I'm a fan of the poster above known as the Holstee Manifesto. If you've never seen it or read it, take a moment to do so.

I saw it last year and thought, hey, I need to get one for my classroom. If you're like me, though, and money for classroom supplies is scarce, it may be that this poster's cost (between $32-$38) is too much for you, too.

So I wrote the company and asked if there was any way they could make their products available more cheaply for teachers. I exchanged e-mails with a couple of people there who were very nice and who wanted to do something, so they agreed to create a special discount of 25% for teachers. So here's the deal:
Send an e-mail to:    h e l p @ h o l s t e e . c o m (without the spaces, of course)
Be sure you sending the e-mail from your school e-mail account
Tell them that you want to order the poster (or posters) for your classroom, and ask for the educational discount
Feel free to tell them that you heard it about it from this blog if you want, but I don't get anything out of this - I'm just sharing something cool with our readers. It seems like a terrific company with good intentions, and I like that.

P.S. Yes, I love the great photo above as well. Yes, you could grab it and make your own prints, but you don't really want to do that, do you? Nah, I didn't think so! 

--posted by Steve

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