Thursday, November 8, 2012

No one "needs" more examples of optical illusions, but...

I expect everyone out there has way too many examples of optical illusions, but I just can't resist:

@MrFrisa posted this image on Twitter and I really like it. Is he facing to the side in profile or is he staring straight at you? Anyone know how to make these? @MrFrisa, chime in if you see this?

- I just saw this "antique" optical illusion using a rotating disk. Click on this link  to get to the animated GIF if it's not displaying correctly- cool! Here's the explanation:

"Optical illusion disc which is spun displaying the illusion of motion of a ball with a wedge-shaped piece missing passing through a hoop and of a monkey swinging on branches of a tree and a zebra jumping through an opening between two trees in a circle at the outer edge of the disc."

posted by Rob McEntarffer


  1. I'm glad you explained that "looking man" illusion. I could not figure out what the second image was. That's a good one.

    True there are a lot of illusions out there, but I'm always game for a new challenge. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hey guys......I just saw your post. Thanks for the shout out. I actually got this from one of my students. I give out extra credit or make a "Student Highlight of the Week" with them if they try to connect what's out in the world to our class. They can tweet it, email, or just bring it in. Thanks again Rob and Michael. You guys are great for all your hard work you put into this!

  3. I am always fascinated with optical illusions. It is as if transporting me to a strange yet dreamy place.

    Denver psychologist
