Wednesday, December 5, 2012

APA/PT@CC/TOPSS videos from the APA convention!

The good folks at the APA/TOPSS shared some GREAT videos recently of the speakers they sponsored at the APA convention last summer. I haven't watched them all yet, but so far they are all clear and VERY usable in a high school psych class. Check out this great line up!

  • Brain Organization for Language: It’s All in the Network(s),” Christine Chiarello, PhD
    This lecture reviews research that identifies which brain regions coordinate activity during language processing and how this activity is modulated by characteristics of the task, language experience and individual differences.
  • Why Students Love Evolutionary Psychology… and How to Teach It,” David Buss, PhD
    This lecture discusses evolutionary psychology — such topics as sexual selection, evolved psychological mechanisms and ultimate and proximate causation — and tools for teaching evolutionary psychology in the classroom.
  • A Letter to Teachers: William James, H. B. Alexander, and Me,” Kenneth D. Keith, PhD
    This lecture explores how scientific literacy, critical thinking, complex cognition and the liberal arts connect to the science of psychology and the art of teaching.
  • Connecting the Dots: How Race in America’s Classrooms Affects Achievement,” Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD
    This lecture presents why honest conversations about race are important, and discusses strategies for teachers and other adults to consider in an effort to reduce stereotype threat and increase trust in cross-racial interactions.
  • Meta-studying: Teaching Metacognitive Strategies to Enhance Student Success,” Elizabeth Yost Hammer, PhD
    This lecture discusses why psychology teachers are uniquely positioned to teach students how to learn, and presents strategies to teach metacognitive skills in the classroom to enhance learning and improve study skills.
  • The Seven Sins of Memory: An Update,” Daniel L. Schacter, PhD
    This lecture discusses recent research and considers recently emerging evidence for the idea that misattribution and other memory sins can be conceived of as byproducts of otherwise adaptive features of memory.
  • Microaggressions in the Classroom: Manifestation, Dynamics and Impact,” Derald Wing Sue, PhD
    This lecture discusses microaggressions and how they relate to difficult dialogues in the classroom that deal with topics such as race, gender, sexual orientation, disability, etc.

posted by Rob McEntarffer

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much you psychologists go through to keep current with your field. -Edmonton
