Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Show some love for the Psych Files

I apologize for not posting very much recently - I've been swamped with various tasks at school and haven't had much free time to spare. One thing that I've been very thankful for, though, is the many people in the psychology community who do such a terrific job of creating and sharing great resources for us all. For example, my fellow moderators on this blog have been adding some great things recently, and I love reading their posts!

But another person who constantly creates interesting and helpful psychology resources is Michael Britt of the Psych Files. I have been following his work for the past five or six years, and I'm amazed at the depth and breadth of wonderful things he's offered, such as:

an AP Psych Test Review site and app
mnemonics for parts of the brain, Erikson's stages, and Piaget's stages
an app to insert Freud into your selfies
a great series of podcasts (including the most recent one on psychology and torture)

I'm posting this because Michael is shifting into a different mode, asking folks who listen and use his terrific resources to contribute financially to enable him to keep doing this. I support this idea and hope all folks who use his great stuff take a few minutes during the season of giving to show some love to Michael. But more than that, think of this as an INVESTMENT so that Michael can continue to create high quality resources that we can use and use with our students. Click on the image above (or here) to become a patron of the Psych Files today!

--posted by Steve

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much Steve for this post. It's true: after 8 years of doing The Psych Files I just can't afford to continue doing it without help. I decided on the "patronage" model rather than using a paid members-only approach, because this way the episodes can remain available to students. But I need those who can afford it to please help out.

    10,844: that's the number of episodes that were accessed in one day last week (finals preparation no doubt). Typically, around 5,000 episodes are listened to daily. This is great, but it's very expensive and because I experienced a significant decrease in my income earlier this year I just can't afford to do the podcast for free anymore.

    So thanks Steve for this post and for becoming a patron yourself. Thanks to everyone who sends their students to The Psych Files - it's a responsibility I take very seriously. Please help out.

    Michael Britt, Ph.D.
