Sunday, June 28, 2015

AP Psych workshop in Bellevue, WA

I'm getting the room set up for our AP Psych workshop in Bellevue, WA. I'm a lucky guy: I get to do this workshop every year, and every year I meet fantastic, enthusiastic teachers.

Big crowd this year - 35 teachers if everyone shows up! I'm grateful to the publishers who sent materials.One curiosity this year: Barron's is always nice enough to send plenty of copies of the How to Prepare for the AP Psychology Exam book, and this year we also got a dozen copies of Animals in the Water: My First Noisy Bath Book. Surely I can figure out how to work this into a demo, right? :)

Not sure if anyone will see this post in time but if you do: what advice do you have for workshop attendees? What should they keep in mind this week? I'll pass on the collective wisdom from the group. Let's get learnin'!

posted by Rob McEntarffer


  1. Logan had that bath book :) Loved it. How about something with Piaget - cognitive development - appropriate "at age" books?

  2. My Number 1 message to participants at my AP Summer Institutes is that there are 1001 ways to do this right. The Presenter's way -- that they will observe during the week -- is just ONE way. The neonate-teachers of AP Psych can copy this until they find their own unique and many times better ways! -- KM

  3. I can definitely use a new bath book to read to my toddler if you want to share.
