Wednesday, December 23, 2015

12 Days of Psychology Class - Day 3: Essay Writing, Social Psychology, Relevance and Rigor, and Ca$h....

Happy Holidays! It's the 3rd day of the 12 days of Psychology Class!

If your district (like mine) is into the Danielson Model, relevance and rigor are big buzzwords that come up in your lesson planning, your instruction, and with what you give kids to complete. When I saw the TOPSS essay competition and question for this year - wow. Racial bias and social inequalities is both a relevant topic, rigorous, and engaging to students across the nation. 

The implications of what you could do with this in an IB, AP, or general psychology class are vast and could be quite profound. Paired with instruction, discussion, some student completion of the Harvard Implicit Bias test , and various other classroom implications  This could be a formative assessment in the course or some kind of summative assessment.

Here's all the details you need to know from the APA TOPSS people on the competition.

Plus, your kids could win cash. $250 to be exact.

Still no snow...50 degrees and raining here in Wisconsin. Sigh...

-- Posted by Amy Ramponi 

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