Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Iowa Teachers of Psychology Conference coming at you - April 17, 2020

Spring Conference Season is rolling around and Iowa has something great cooked up. Registration and more information on this great event is at their website located here:



  1. I'm just there a reason why this blog stopped? COVID-19? Pandemic fatigue?

    I understand that but I also really enjoy this site and it has been a help to me as a teacher. The current moderators have done an outstanding job and brought us lots of useful content and information. Is it possible to find a few more moderators that are motivated to create new content? Is there enough interest in this?

  2. Thanks for the kind words. We stopped when it became obvious that the Facebook groups were essentially doing the same thing. We created this in 2009 before FB was a thing. The main contributors have moved on to other projects.
