Sunday, September 20, 2009

TV alert: House season premiere

I'm guessing most of you who would be interested in this sort of thing already know this, but just a reminder that this Monday night's House is the two-hour season premiere. When we last left Dr. House he was checking into a mental hospital and that's the setting for the first episode.

Several scenes from the preview call to mind Jack Nicholson's performance in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" -- the knit cap, the basketball scene, being dragged away by aides and the "you guys are crazy" statement. I didn't see the Chief or Martini in the House preview, though, and it looks like one of my all-time faves Andre Braugher is taking a turn as the severe administrator (darned, no Nurse Ratched!).

I'd be interested to hear your thoughts in the comments below after the episode as well as what your students say if you have time for a class discussion. We can complain all we want about getting "the truth" out about psychology but for better or worse an episode of House will have a lot more viewers and influence.

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