Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The return of psychat

I am delighted that a tremendous group of psychology teachers has agreed to become the hosts of #psychat this year. If you use Twitter as part of your professional learning community/network like I do, then you know there are a wide range of chats that are specific to certain topics designed for educators to interact with each other - such as #sschat or #edchat. The psychology version #psychat was started by Christopher Potter (mrpotter on Twitter) more than a year ago, and I helped "run" the chat for a while, but it was never as organized as it could have been.

That's all changed because Jen Schlicht, Amy Ramponi and Dawn Clemens (who met this summer at the APA-Clark University Workshop for High School Psychology Teachers) decided to take over #psychat and run it the right way. Here's Jen with more:

Twitter’s best psychology teacher chat #psychat starts up again Wednesday August 21 at 8pm central.  We are moving nights and times hoping to increase participation by trying a new time slot.
Aside from the time change, each chat will be moderated/hosted by a different #psychat participant who chooses the topic. If you would like to sign up to moderate a chat, please sign up on our google doc tinyurl.com/mduwd3n
All chats will be archived, the moderator/hosts will upload their materials and resources to a #psychat drop box AND we will house all of these items on our #psychat wiki!  We are still in the process of finalizing the accounts and URL’s so the links will be provided soon.
So follow #psychat on Wednesday nights at 8pm central and join the conversations! 

So join them on Twitter Wednesday night at 8pm central/9pm eastern!
--posted by Steve

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