Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Brain Games Episode Concepts/Episode Guide

Hi Everyone,

I love Brain Games on the National Geographic Channel.  That said, I have not been able to find a decent episode guide, or any actually.  So I asked my two wonderful TAs, Jai and Karlie, to watch Season Two of Brain Games. has the names of the episodes, but nothing in detail.
My TAs have compiled a chart to describe what each demonstration is in each of the episodes on Disc 1. The chart is linked here.

My question is this:  Do you find this useful? Should I have them do the rest of the episodes in the series? Please leave a yes or no in the comments, or send me an email at schallhornpsych AT

As always, Brain Games and other resources can be found in our Psych Store.

Thanks and Enjoy.

posted by Chuck Schallhorn


Anonymous said...

Yes!!! This is great!! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yes! This is great, I have had the same annoyances with figuring out/trying to remember which episode to show for which terms! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

YES! I prefer the 1st season and would love to have it - can you do it by next week (just kidding) - but would love to have it

Anonymous said...

It would be VERY useful to have these guides for each episode. THANKS!

Anonymous said...

Yes! Thanks!

Unknown said...

Hi - Daria Schaffeld here. I've taken notes on each of the Brain Games seasons and each episode. I've aligned it with what AP Unit I think it fits best with. I've also noted which ones I think don't fit our curriculum well. Im happy to share on google docs. Its nothing as "pretty" as what the TA's did :) But am still happy to share.

Anonymous said...

I like season 1 the best also. Thanks for doing this.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Now I just need to get a good aid so I can have the same for Season 3 and 4.
Daria I would love your notes. How can I get a copy?

Gregg said...

This is fantastic. I was searching the Internet just a couple of days ago, for something just like this. Thank you very much!

Scott Snyder said...

I love this! Thank you so much! I just purchased Season 2 and I was confused on the best episodes to show!

I don't mean to be picky, but they seem to have missed the episodes Use it or Lose it, Illusion Confusion, and Liar Liar. Other than that, this resource is great!

Chuck Schallhorn said...

I did not mention this. This was only the first disc. My TAs are working on the rest of this season and will work on seasons 3 and 4. I will add as they complete the seasons.

So glad everyone likes the idea! :D

Chuck Schallhorn

Anonymous said...

Extremely helpful!

Anonymous said...

Love this. Does anyone know a link that has some of these demonstrations set up quick and easy so they could be done live in class prior to watching the episode? I show this to my sixth graders and they love it. Thinking it would be a good filler activity or to use on those days when they have no focus (I.e. last day of school, etc).

Unknown said...

This is very helpful! Any chance that you have a similar document for Season 1 or Season 2? Thanks so much!

Chuck Schallhorn said...

BMart100 said...

Thank you for sharing this chart - I love it! I had notes to do one myself but thanks for relieving me of that duty.

Also, I would be interested in the one Daria Schaffeld has - Daria if you are reading this, send it my way - I will be more than happy to "make it pretty" for you:)

I am attempting something new this year that is somewhat related. To keep the students engaged after the exam, I am having them pick an activity from brain games that they can replicate. After giving them the necessary time to re-create the activity, we are inviting students from some other AP classes (various subjects) to join us one day as our "guinea pigs". I thought this would not only help my students but it would help peak other students interest in Psychology.

Has anyone ever done anything like this? Am I crazy for attempting it? The kids are starting it Monday, May 11th - if you have any thoughts please let me know.

BMart100 said...

Daria Schaffield - I would love to see what you have done - it sounds very detailed and informative.. If you send it my way in a workable file, I would be more than happy to "pretty it up" for you to share:)

Scott Reed said...

Chuck- Thank you and your student aides for doing this. It is very valuable.

aponder said...

This is wonderful! Thank you so much. I would love all episodes charts if they are out there!

CrissyA said...

Thank you! It was very generous of you to create and share this! :) You are much appreciated!!