"Michael Britt here from The Psych Files. I know you’re a big supporter of the podcast and I just received the latest email from Teaching High School Psychology (great resources on multiple choice by the way - I bookmarked learningscientists.org). I thought I’d send you a quick note about the PsychTestPrep audio files I put into the Clammr app. It’s the topic of my latest podcast episode and you may have seen my post about this on the AP Psychology Facebook group. I was wondering if you might want to mention this on the Teaching High School Psychology blog. With the AP psych test coming up it seems like this would be a great time to let teachers and students know about this free audio test prep approach. While accessing the audio through the app on an iPhone is convenient (if you have an iphone that is…), teachers and students can also listen to the audio on their desktop computers at this location:
posted by Rob McEntarffer
1 comment:
Thanks for posting this Rob. I think the audio files will be hepful to students and I welcome any feedback anyone might have. I just added another "playlist" to the tool. I call them "audio quizzes." What I do is give the definition of a term and then wait either 5 seconds or just 1 second before giving the answer. Not only a good way to study but also has a little game element. Again - feel free to get in touch with me to tell me what you think!
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